Partial/Non-Recourse Bridge And Construction Loans


An aggressive East Coast Bank has dropped pricing for construction and bridge loans across various asset classes.
Check size: $20-$150MM
LTV: Up to 70% for Multifamily and 65% for all others
Rate: Spreads ranging from high 1s to low 2s on transitional assets and high 2s to mid 2s for construction transactions Recourse: non-recourse for bridge loans and 20-25% recourse for construction loans with burn offs
Term: 3 to 7 years
Amortization: 30 years for multifamily and 25 years for all other asset classes
Interest Only: Up to four years
DSCR sizing: 1.15x
Structured Capital Friendly: Allow mezzanine debt up to 80% and preferred equity up to 90%
Asset Types: Multi-family, condo, office, retail, hotel, mixed use, industrial, self-storage, parking, some land
Geography: East of the Mississippi, Boston to Key Largo