$15.5MM Land Acquisition | Lady Lake, FL

Eyzenberg & Company structured and arranged preferred equity and senior debt to capitalize the purchase and pre-development of 50 acres in Lady Lake, FL.


The newly formed partnership was in the process of executing its first acquisition, involving a large, multi-use land parcel segmented into five distinct development zones. Pre-development financing typically carries low leverage, creating a significant equity gap that needed to be bridged. Additionally, small-scale preferred equity is often uneconomical for institutional capital providers. The transaction also faced appraisal challenges, as initial valuations failed to incorporate critical components of the sponsor’s business plan, which would unlock significant value.


Eyzenberg & Company leveraged its extensive network of capital sources to identify two experienced fund managers capable of supplying the necessary debt and equity to support the sponsor’s business strategy. We worked closely with appraisers to adjust their valuations, ensuring they accounted for key elements of the sponsor’s plan that would drive value creation. Additionally, we restructured the preferred equity multiple times in response to changes in senior loan proceeds, adjustments to closing timelines, and evolving GP funding requirements. To address liquidity constraints, we also assisted the sponsor in optimizing the GP contribution structure, ensuring lender compliance.

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